IV Vitamin Therapy
Vitamin C
Potent antioxidant
Boosts immunity
Can help lower blood pressure
Promotes wound healing and collagen production
Reduces heart disease and dementia risk
( per additional 5,000 mg IV )
Known as the “Master Antioxidant”
Made up of 3 amino acids
Detoxifies the liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract
Neutralizes free radicals – flushes toxins
Improved skin – lightening, fine lines
Boosts immunity
( per additional 400 mg )
Anti-inflammatory benefits
Improves quality of sleep
Migraines, PMS benefits
Bone, muscle, joint health
Nervous system function
( per 400 mg )
Boosts immunity
Assists with wound healing
Taste/smell sensation
Improves fertility levels, libido, PMS
Cardiovascular benefits
( per 5mg )
- Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug
- For moderate to severe pain
- Head aches, body aches
( per 30 mg )
Converts carbohydrates and fat into energy
Essential for the body’s metabolic processes
Regulates mood and stress
Improved cognitive function
Antiaging benefits
( 1,000 mcg )
Vitamin D3
Boosts immunity
Cardiovascular health
Bone, skin and muscle health
Depression/increases serotonin
Diabetes management
( 50,000-100,000 iu ) Intramuscular Injection only